Frequently Asked Questions

How do I select a therapist?

It is important for you to feel comfortable with the therapist with whom you are working. You are encouraged to ask questions about their experience and treatment approach. You should know within a few sessions if it is a good fit.

Do you provide in-person or virtual counseling?

Yes. Therapy Connection is currently providing treatment both in-person and virtually. All virtual session are conducted using a secure telehealth platform. It is up to you to determine which format you prefer.

What happens during the first session?
The first session is the time to hear about your concerns, talk about changes that you want to see, and set goals for treatment. In addition, this time provides an opportunity to make sure that there is a good fit with the therapist.
How often will we meet?
In the beginning stages of treatment, sessions are more frequent. As progress is made, sessions will be spread out to allow you time to implement strategies as discussed in sessions.
Do you prescribe medications?
No. Medications are prescribed by medical doctors. Should it seem that medications would be a useful part of your treatment, we are able to provide referrals for a medication evaluation.
Don’t hesitate to reach out.
We look forward to hearing from you.